Pullman Hospital Art

Pullman Hospital Art

Pullman Regional Hospital selected my art, Deep Rooted Beginnings for their permanent collection. The painting hangs in the main entry of the hospital. 

Deep-Rooted Beginnings. The leaves fall from the tree, within a matter of hours it will heal the scar where the leaf has left, protecting it for winter. The buds of next years leaves are already in place. Just quietly waiting for spring, when the time is perfect. Trees look so sparse and dead in the winter. But they are very much alive. They give their leaves to the ground for mulch, seeds and nuts for birds and squirrels. It’s bark for hibernating insects and soaking up a long drink for her roots and strength.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my life after cancer treatment. I feel very much like a tree that is wintering. I’m healing from scars. I’m giving and sharing my journey with you. I’m soaking up the love from my friends and family. Taking mental snapshots. I honestly don’t know what my future holds. But for now, I’m ready to send out my green leaves. I’m ready for my branches to hold this precious life.

Pullman Hospital

Pullman hospital placard

deep roots

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